make training great again.

Bring security training to life with our interactive cyber escape rooms designed to engage and excite your employees.

How many times have you opened up an online training course, whether that's for cyber security or something else, hit play on the video, and then walked off to make a brew? It's more than once, isn't it?

We're giving people the exact same training every few months, showing them the exact same videos, asking them the exact same questions, and then somehow expecting to get different results.

It's the definition of madness.

And the worst thing about this? We're relying on this exact kind of training to keep our users safe. Those very same users we consistently see described as 'the weakest link' in our security posture.

Yeah, no sh*t. When your training is about as engaging as Andy Murray reading the shipping forecast, what did you think would happen?

If you truly want to improve the security of your organisation, invest in a cyber training solution that is going to interest and intrigue your people. Hell, they might even find it fun.

Work IS allowed to be fun now, you know.



Interactive learning supports better knowledge retention, meaning your people will remember what they've learnt for longer.


Escape room activities are fun, which means people proactively want to get involved. No more 'forced' training exercises.

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Our escape room scenarios come in a box which is easy to set up in the (relative) comfort of your own office.


Containing a mix of activities, cyber escape rooms are inclusive for your whole team so no one feels left out.

the games.

Take a look through our game scenarios. Our main games are designed to last up to one hour,  and can be played by 5-6 players at a time.

Fancy a bit of healthy competition? We recommend getting a few games together and challenging teams to compete against one another.

We have more epic games in development, but we also love hearing new ideas. So if there's something you're looking for that's not listed here, get in touch and we might just make it happen!


Can you save the day and help recover the organisation's data before the gang leaks it to the press?!

Learn about ransomware, phishing and password security in this immersive in-person game!


Someone's left their bag on a train... using your hacking skills can you steal money from their back account before they notice?!

Learn about OSINT, privacy, and not leaving your devices lying around in this interactive and fun scenario.


Mr Potts is concerned that someone is trying to steal his printing press blueprint and needs your help to find out who!

We cover insider risk, code breaking, and password security in this entirely technology free scenario.

mini games.

Our mini games are great for smaller groups, SMB, and those wanting to get a flavour of what we're about before committing to a bigger event.

Perfect for groups of 1-3 people, our mini games shouldn't take much longer than 20 minutes to complete and you can buy them directly from our website. Just click on the Buy Now button to place your order.


There's something fishy about this pen. Can you work out what it is and help the hacker gang steal some credit card info!?


Help the CFO recover her password after a disgruntled ex-employee changed it with just 20 minutes before her next meeting.